Tips to Prevent Anti-LGBTQ+ Employment Bias

June 14, 2023

Maintaining a diverse and inclusive workplace is crucial for ethical responsibility and sustained business success. It’s not just about avoiding clashes between employee beliefs and values but creating an environment where everyone feels respected and supported.

Action items for preventing LGBTQ+ bias and discrimination

1. Create, promote, and enforce a discrimination- and harassment-prevention policy.

Define workplace harassment clearly to prevent and address complaints effectively. Involving key individuals from different company areas to develop and update the policy will help gain organizational buy-in and strengthen your practices. Assure employees who report incidents that their safety is a priority and that any retaliation will not be tolerated.

This wasn’t the case for one New York state pizzeria, which the EEOC alleges did not respond appropriately to a transgender employee’s repeated harassment complaints. According to the EEOC, the employer stood by as customers and other employees harassed the employee, which led the commission to launch a first-of-its-kind lawsuit against the employer.

To prevent a similar unfortunate incident in your workplace, according to Mineral, a solid workplace harassment prevention policy includes:

  • A policy statement for a harassment-free workplace.
  • References to state and federal laws outlining employee and employer responsibilities.
  • A commitment to confidentiality while addressing allegations or complaints promptly and objectively.
  • Clear definitions and examples of various forms of harassing behaviors.
  • Procedures for reporting alleged harassment.
  • Corrective actions and potential remedies for substantiated complaints.
  • Protections against retaliation.

2. Bring those policies from the page to your people.

Having a harassment prevention policy alone isn’t enough to effectively protect your employees from discrimination and harassment. Training employees on your harassment prevention policy is essential. Seven states (California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, New York, and Washington) and the District of Columbia mandate harassment-prevention training. Still, it is a best practice regardless of legal requirements.

To take it a step further, offer additional learning opportunities, including LGBTQ+ sensitivity, allyship, and bystander intervention. These opportunities have the potential to foster empathy, reduce bias in the workplace, and create a safe space for open dialogue. If done well, they can be effective tools for preventing discrimination.

3. Investigate complaints promptly and thoroughly.

Should go without saying, right? We think so, too. However, what also often goes without saying is complaints themselves. The EEOC estimates that 75% of overall harassment complaints go unreported, generally due to fear of retaliation during the investigation process. Additionally, although race discrimination complaints are among the top three types reported, they also have the lowest success rate, in terms of rulings and/or relief in favor of the complainant. Employers can and should do their part to protect vulnerable employees by conducting a complete and well-documented investigation anytime there is a complaint about a violation of harassment or discrimination policies.

Among Mineral’s compliant-response recommendations:

  • Respond readily. When it comes to discrimination or harassment complaints, employers should be like Taylor Swift and “Speak Now”—immediately talking with the complainant, the accused employee, and any witnesses. Failing to respond appropriately to harassment complaints often leads to legal risks, more complaints, or continued harassment. A company can reduce risk related to harassment by conducting thorough, fair, and well-documented investigations followed by steps to minimize harassment from reoccurring. Acting promptly mitigates liability and contributes to a safe and inclusive culture.
  • Remember that no complaint is too small. Even a single insensitive comment could be considered harassment. And it would be unlawful harassment if putting up with such statements became a condition of continued employment or if the conduct was severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider hostile. Remember, as an employer, you have a duty to stop unlawful harassment.

4. Take a grassroots approach.

Companies implementing new DEI initiatives often start from the top down, with buy-in and support from executive leaders. Instead, start by involving your employees in DEI initiatives. Encourage employees to have regular DEI discussions during 1:1 meetings with managers or wider teams. For example, there’s no reason to wait until Pride Month to discuss supporting LGBTQ+ employees in the workplace. At Mineral, we implemented a pilot program that facilitates intentional dialogue within small groups of employees. This program provides a psychologically safe environment for employees to talk about belonging, deepen their understanding of identity differences, and build community together.

BONUS: Establish employee resource groups (ERGs) to provide a sense of community and empower employees to engage with one another. This grassroots approach encourages DEI learning and momentum in businesses of all sizes. According to a recent report, 81% of LGBTQ+ employees believe having an ERG creates a comfortable work environment, and 80% report it improves their well-being at work. I know that Mineral’s Pride ERG has helped reach both of these ideals; the next post in this series takes a closer look at the lessons we learned along the way.

5. Look beyond liability.

Go beyond meeting state and local legislation/mandates and celebrate your LGBTQ+ employees. Incorporate pronouns in regular communication to create an inclusive environment. Make DEI a normal part of your business operations, not just during Pride Month or other observances. Publicly express support for LGBTQ+ issues, demonstrating your commitment to equality.

SMBs have a significant role in creating a workplace that respects and supports LGBTQ+ employees. By implementing inclusive policies, educating staff, and promoting a culture of acceptance, you can ensure that every employee, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, feels valued and empowered.